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Clinton Primary School

Our Teaching and Learning Staff

Here are our dedicated teaching and learning staff. We have an open door policy and want to hear about any issues that arise, and to help in any way we can. Our partnership with you is vital, and we know that your positivity towards school makes all the difference. 

All that communication happens via class teachers. Feel free to see if you can catch us after school, but it might be easier to make an appointment. Some days, we may have time out of class for planning, preparation and assessment (PPA), when children will be taught by another teacher. On other days, we may have school leadership activities and won’t be in class, and on Wednesdays we have our school Continuous Professional Development meetings. Teacher email addresses are shared with you when your child enters that class, so you can get in touch that way to make an appointment.


Angela Fairbairn

(Year R Teacher and EYFS lead)

Susan Jones

(Year R Teacher and EYFS lead)

 Kay Williams

(Year R TA)









Hazel Jackson

(Year 1 Teacher and SENDCo)

Allison Kelsey

(Year 1 TA)

Kelly Lawton

(Year 1 TA)

Sara Grafke

(TA various)


Sarah Jones

(Year 2 Teacher and PSHE lead)



Ali McLester

(Year 2 Teacher; English Lead and Pupil Premium champion)

Jennifer Matthews

(Year 2 TA)

Rebecca Groves

(TA in Year 4)


 Charlotte Parker (Year 3 Teacher and Science Lead)

Shelagh Boneham

(TA in Year 3)

Lesley Sullivan

(TA in Year 4)










Charanjit Guram

(Year 4 Teacher and SEND team)

Kariss Brown

(ABA Y5 and Y6)

Katy Crane

(ABA Y5 and Y6)



Kirsty Wardell

(ABA Y5 and Y6)




Julia Brown 

(Year 5 Teacher and RE lead)

Lindsay Cooper

(TA various)

Foteini Lykomitrou

(ABA Y5 and Y6)

Claire Mitchell

(TA in Y6)


Gary Viner

(Year 6 Teacher and Deputy Head)

Fiona Cottrell

(PPA Teacher and TA)

Karen Heaviside

(PPA teacher and TA)

Kate Wallace

(PPA teacher and Sports Lead)


Hannah Bridges

(PPA Teacher and Humanities lead)

Kim Bailey

(Maths TA)