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Clinton Primary School


Our teaching of writing in English will inspire, engage and challenge all children, enabling them to develop the skills to effectively communicate their ideas and emotions to others throughout the curriculum.

We aim that children will be feel impelled to write, because they will see its value. Early in school children will gain the physical capability for writing, so that they can write confidently and fluently. They will be immersed in quality texts which inspire their writing, at first learning to apply their taught phonics and punctuation before learning sophisticated writing devices as they grow older.

Phases of learning will include: practising new grammatical tools and writing devices; exploration of ambitious vocabulary; aural practise through talk activities and then a ‘showcase’ piece of writing. Spelling will be taught through the No Nonsense scheme, and children will be supported to apply taught spelling in their writing. In order to manage children’s cognitive load, ‘writers toolkit’ pro-formas are used to support children’s application of skills.

Texts are chosen which promote high levels of engagement when read and model ambitious vocabulary and sentence structures; leading to high quality writing outcomes for all pupils.

The ‘communication strand’ progression document below shows how we teach children the skills needed to communicate when ‘describing, explaining, persuading, informing, sharing opinions and ideas, asking questions, and entertaining’ which means children are developing in their speaking, listening and writing skills regularly across many themes.

Learn more about our Writing Curriculum

writing progression year r to y6.pdf


Writing and Speaking Progression

Writing, as a skill, is made up of many different elements, and each are taught in order to give practise and then children are given the opportunity to apply across a range of genres and text types. The documents below show the genres of writing being explored, which aspects of grammar and spelling are being taught, and which speaking and listening skills are integrated to support their communication and writing better.

Key Performance Indicators

Showcase Writing

Periodically this year, we're going to celebrate the children's writing by publishing on the website for parents to see! These pieces are from December 2023.

Year 6

Year 5

Year 4

Year 2

Learning Links

Bitesize Grammar KS2

Bitesize Grammar KS1

Spelling games for 5-7 yr olds